Remember how the schedule you designed before winter break was perfect? History of Art sounded amazing right? You were on track to get that pesky calculus requirement out of the way. And then, thirty seconds into class, it hits you in the face. This class is just not happening. If you’re in that “should I actually take this” limbo that I’ve been dancing to, then heed these warnings before you commit to the one class that actually ruins your semester.
1. Anything before 9 am.
Once upon a time we all used to wake up at, like, 6 am for high school. Then we came to college and stopped sleeping and now we can’t wake up before noon without feeling like death. If this is not you, then go ahead! Take the 9 am class! As for the rest of us, staying up till two and then waking up at 8:50 is just not happening. In order to learn, brain function must happen. I may not have taken a science class since my junior year of high school but that’s the truth.
2. The accent
What sucks more than being taught by a grad student? That’s right, being taught by a grad student with a heavy accent. We think we signed up for Intro to Calculus, not intro to How To Understand Mandarin-Chinese-Calculus. Yes, Part of learning English is public speaking, but we actually just want an A in the class. So as much as the class might sound great and might be useful to every day life, get a professor that you can actually understand.
3. Asleep within the first five minutes
If only class descriptions came with audio of what professors sound like. Here are some facts: Some professors are old. Some professors sound like nails on chalkboards. Some professors enjoy lecturing for hours. Some professors never actually take questions. If you have any of the above in any sort of combination, then leave. Lectures are already long enough and we already don’t get enough sleep. So hey, if the professor isn’t working for you, take something else or get a new professor. You’re already paying too much money to be at college so you may as well be awake for it.
4. The kid who has to show everyone that s(he) knows more than you do.
So the professor goes through the syllabus and rhetorically asks if anyone has a question. This is where you really should be silent unless you actually have a question. This is not where you ask if we’re studying something that you read about “once” and have a “vested interest in” because you “went to a museum once” and BLAH BLAH BLAH NO ONE CARES THAT YOU KNOW STUFF. Now everyone hates you and you’ll forever be the guy that sucks and kisses up. Sucks to suck, bro.
5. Because your mom told you to take the class
Alright, I get it. You were home over break and your parents somehow saw your schedule and gave you the look when they saw you were taking Intro to Sexuality Studies and Afro-Cuban Dance. So instead you’re taking Basic Economics and other boring classes that just don’t have zest, but somehow fulfill the “parental” requirement. Guess what? Colleges don’t send your report cards home! Take what you want, you dummy. It’s not about what’s practical, it’s about learning about things that interest you. So go ahead and be adventurous.
6. You’re literally paying your professor
Textbooks are expensive. Textbooks are necessary. We are all in debt. We have to buy textbooks. Does anyone else see what’s wrong with this scenario? The cherry on top of this one is that fantastic moment when you see your professor wrote every one of the books that you’re now throwing away your money for. What will they do with the royalties? The world may never know. Although I must give props to the many professors that donate textbook royalties back to the school. You go Glen Coco.
The post The Moment You Know When You Should Drop the Class appeared first on The Campus Companion.